Luka Radovic

Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Luka Radovic

I have been teaching Hour of Power on and off for more than ten years. Being the eldest son of class founder Dragan Radovic, I naturally was introduced to the class as a young man and have often used it to give my training a boost and help others around me do the same. I am also highly passionate about the Brazilian martial art Capoeira, which I have been learning about, enjoying and writing about since the early 2000s.

I am currently based in New Zealand where although I no longer teach a regular weekly Hour of Power class, I am available for cover and can often be found doing the Hour of Power or Dragan Challenge for my own training or with my fellow Kiwi instructor, Saul Taylor.

I recently paddle-boarded amongst some wild Killer Whales off the coast of Aukland and rate that as the most exciting and wonderful experiences of my life. Life is an adventure and should be kept that way no matter where you are or how old you are. Hour of Power is a great way of maintaining that vigour and energy for life, which is why I teach it and why I recommend it to you, wherever you are!